Sunday 6 April 2008

The right light

A stroll along the harbour at Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK

Bright warm days in February and cold, snowy days in April. And some people don't believe in climate change! :o) On a wet and cold day like today here in the UK, it's nice to remember that feeling of the sun on your face, you and your camera out and about taking photographs. Bliss!

Photography is definitely a therapeutic process with an almost spiritual quality. Some photographers even see it as a relationship, with highs and lows when images work or don't work. One thing is for sure. Once you get hooked it's difficult to stop.

Photography also has a few other interesting pyschological issues, the biggest of which is a common notion/wish with photographers - invisibility. The late photojournalist Philip Jones Griffiths, featured on this blog a few posts ago, once commented during a BBC interview in 2005 that:

"The only thing we photographers really want more than life, more than sex, more than anything, is to be invisible."

It's a mindset that many well known photographers including the Vietnam war photographer Larry Burrows have all mentioned. Most modern photojournalists would love to have the ability to view a situation without being seen. The invisible witness! What type of images could you create if you were invisible?

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